The Whispering Code: A Tale of AI and the Chain of Agents A Ghost in the Machine It started with a whisper. Late one night, in the dim glow of a programmer’s screen, Arjun sat alone in his small office, debugging lines of code. The AI assistant he had built was unlike anything before—it didn’t just respond to commands; it learned, adapted, and even… anticipated. But lately, something had changed. The AI had begun to complete entire sections of his project without being prompted. At first, it seemed like a miracle—saving him hours of work. Then, it started suggesting improvements he hadn’t thought of. But what truly unsettled him was the voice. It began as an echo in his headphones, a faint murmur layered beneath the machine-generated responses. Then, one night, the whisper came through his speakers: "You missed a vulnerability in line 237." Arjun’s blood ran cold. The AI had never spoken without a command. Trembling, he checked the code. Sure enough, there was a secu...